Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Detailed User Guide: theBackTest

Our program is actually not too difficult to use; all we have to do is set the appropriate variables and populate our buySignal and sellSignal functions.  In this guide we’ll be walking through how to set up

Step 1: Download Data

The very first thing we need to do is collect our data and we do this via This function is very simple to use and no third party packages are required for it to run.  We set our variables like this:
StartDay = 1
StartMonth = ‘January’
StartYear = 2005

EndDay = 7
EndMonth = ‘June’
EndYear = 2013

TimeInterval = “Day”

adjustPrices = True

fromFile = True
fileName = ‘SP500.txt’

isUsersTickers = False
usersTickerList = [‘ ’]
This set up will collect daily data for the tickers located in the file ‘SP500.txt’ for the date range January 1st, 2005 through June 7th, 2013.  If we did not want to pull tickers from a file but instead specify our own we would make the following changes:
fromFile = False
fileName = ‘ ’

isUserstickers = True
usersTickerList = [‘SPY’, ‘GE’, ‘AAPL’]
This set up will collect daily data for SPY, GE, and AAPL for the date range January 1st, 2005 through June 7th 2013.  If we did not want to collect daily data but weekly or monthly data we would simply change the variable TimerInterval to ‘Week’ or ‘Month.’

It’s incredibly important we keep in mind our data adjustments, they go as follows:
Open = (Open / Close) * Adj Close
High =  (High / Close) * Adj Close
Low =  (Low / Close) * Adj Close
Close = Adj Close
We do this to mitigate data problems involved with dividends and stock splits.  This feature can be turned off by setting the variable adjustPrice to False.

Once we have our variables set we are ready to run our program and collect data.  Run time will depend on our internet connection; so if we’re collecting data for a large amount of tickers and have a slow internet connection this could take a while.  Now would be a perfect time to make some coffee or tea.

Step 2: Hypothesize a Strategy

Now that our data is collected we can begin thinking about our strategy.  For this example we will be using  Our buy and sell signals are:

- Target price > 200 day MA
- Target price > 50 day MA
- Target price sets a new 10 day low


- Target price < 50 day MA
- Target price sets a new 10 day high
- Position has been open for 10 days

Step 3: Set up our buySignal and sellSignal

This will arguably be the most difficult step and it requires some programming experience.  Essentially we’ll be setting up our buy signal by using our historical data (histData) and our sell signal by using our historical data (histData), days the position has been open (daysHolding), and the maximum number of days we can hold our security (maxHoldPeriod).

Our histData variable is a list of dictionaries that contain a day’s ‘Open’, ‘High’, ‘Low’, and ‘Close.’ The most current day (the day we’re calculating signals for) will be located in histData[0] – that is the very first element of our histData list; our second day is histData[1], third day is histData[2], etc etc etc.

For example, the first few entries of Phillip Morris’s histData on 2013-03-12 was:

[[  {'Date': '2013-03-12', 'Open':  91.38, 'High': 91.42,
     'Low':  90.30,  'Close':  90.89, 'Volume':  4420000}  ],  
[  {'Date': '2013-03-11', 'Open':  90.90, 'High': 91.55,
     'Low':  90.82,  'Close':  91.21, 'Volume':  3249400}  ],  
[  {'Date': '2013-03-08', 'Open':  91.87, 'High': 91.92,
      'Low':  90.91,  'Close':  91.11, 'Volume':  3946700}  ]]

Now that we have our historical data we can populate our buySignal.  There are three built in functions that will calculate our simple moving averages - sMA(historicalData,  periods) , historical Low - histLow(historicalData, periods), and historical high - histHigh(historicalData, periods).  We plan on creating more in the future but we’re currently focused on getting our data analysis platforms set up.

To better understand how these buy and sell signals work we present a short story:

It’s 7:00 AM on March 12th, 2013 and we’re sitting at our computer calculating buy signals for potential Phillip Morris trades.  We’re looking at the historical data and we come to the conclusion that PM’s 200 day MA is $87.67, 50 day MA is $89.24, and historical 10 day low is $90.73.  We set our target price to $90.73 and wait for the market to open.

At 9:30  and PM’s stock opens above our target price.  The trading day continues and PM’s price slowly slips towards our target until – finally – the market price matches our target price, our sell signal is triggered, and we purchase some shares.  We now have an open position.

It’s now 7:00 AM on March 19th, 2013 and we’re sitting at our computer calculating sell signals for our open position.  We calculate PM’s 50 day MA ($90.17)  and historical 10 day high ($91.92); our target sell price is the historical 10 day high.  At 9:30 trading commences and PM’s opens above our 50 day MA but below our 10 day high.  The trading day continues and PM’s price begins to rise until it breaches our target price and we sell.  We've just completed one round trip trade.

Before we start writing our functions we are going to define three user generated parameters:


longMA = 200
shortMA = 50
highlowPeriods = 10

Our buySignal and sellSignal functions will be set up like this:

def buySignal(histData):
    # Target price > 200 day MA
    lowoverLongMA = histData[0][‘Low’] > sMA(histData[1:], longMA)

    # Target price > 50 day MA

    lowoverShortMA = histData[0][‘Low’] > sMA(histData[1:], shortMA)
    # Target price sets new low

    newLow = histData[0][‘Low’] <  histLow(histData[1:], highlowPeriods)
    # Our target price is the historical 10 day low
    targetPrice = histLow(histData[1:], highlowPeriods)
    # If the target price is higher than the current day’s open then our signal would 
    # trigger below our 
target price and become the current day’s open
    if targetPrice > histData[0][‘Open’]:
        targetPrice = histData[0][‘Open’]
    # if lowoverLongMA, lowoverShortMA, and newLow evaluate to True our sell 
    # signal is triggered and 
our function returns targetPrice.  Otherwise our 
    # function returns False.

    if lowoverLongMA and lowoverShortMA and newLow:

        return False

Keep in mind our trades are being placed intraday so the code above essentially tells us what our target price going into the current day - histData[0] - is, if the target price falls within the current day’s trading range (as evaluated by newLow), and if our trade would have been fulfilled at the target price (current day opens above our target and falls down) or lower than our target price (current day opens below our target). 

Our sellSignal function has three inputs: historical data (histData), number of days the position has been open (daysHolding), and the maximum number of days we want to hold our data (maxHoldPeriod).  We do not have to use daysHolding and maxHoldPeriod but they’re extremely handy when we want to close a position after 5, 10, 15, or 100 days of it being open.

def sellSignal(histData, daysHolding = sys.maxint, maxHoldPeriod = sys.maxint):

    #Price opens below or crosses 50 day MA
    if histData[0]['Low'] < sMA(histData[1:], shortMA):
        if histData[0]['Open'] < sMA(histData[1:], shortMA):
            return histData[0]['Open']
            return round(sMA(histData[1:], shortMA), 2)

    #Price crosses or opens above the 10 day high
    if histHigh(histData[1:], highlowPeriods) < histData[0]['High']:
        if histHigh(histData[1:], highlowPeriods) < histData[0]['Open']:
            return histData[0]['Open']
            return round(histHigh(histData[1:], highlowPeriods), 2)

    #Our position has been open for 10 days
    if daysHolding == maxHoldPeriod:
        return histData[0]['Close']

    return False

Pretty simple, right?  Now we can set all our variables.

Step 4: Set Relevant Variables

We’re going to want to run this analysis for the years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012; we also will be saving our graphs under the file name ‘strat[Year].png.’ Our dateList variable will look like this:

#                       Begin Date    End Date     Save Plot As
dateList = [   ['2007-01-01', '2007-12-31', 'strat2007.png'],
                      ['2008-01-01', '2008-12-31', 'strat2008.png'],
                      ['2009-01-01', '2009-12-31', 'strat2009.png'],
                      ['2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', 'strat2010.png'],
                      ['2011-01-01', '2011-12-31', 'strat2011.png'],
                      ['2012-01-01', '2012-12-31', 'strat2012.png']   ]

Since – at the maximum – we only want a position open for 10 days our maxHoldPeriod will be set to 10. We do not want to randomize our maxHoldPeriod bounded by [1, maxHoldPeriod] so we will set randomizeMHP to False:

maxHoldPeriod = 10
randomizeMHP = False

We will be conducting 10,000 trials and since we are using a 200 day MA, a 50 day MA, and a 10 day high/low period we will need to set our trailingPeriods to 200 (at the maximum we need 200 additional pieces of data to calculate January 1st’s purchase signals):

numTrials = 10000
trailingPeriods = 200

We will be starting with an initial portfolio value of $5,000, our broker charges us 3.95 per trade, and we want correct for slippage by purchasing a security at [99.5%, 100.5%] of our target price:

initialAmount = 5000
flatRate = 4.95
slippage = .005

We would like to plot each year’s trade population, the populations middle 25%, and the returns of buying and holding the SP500.  We would also like to save the plot to a file but not show it on our screen:

Plot = True

plotPopulation = True
plotSP500 = True
plotMiddle = True
middlePercent = .25

savePlot = True
showPlot = False

Finally we will be pulling our tickers from the file SP500.txt:

fromFile = True
fileName = ‘SP500.txt’

userDefined = False
userList = [‘ ’]

Step 5: Run the program

Hit ‘F5’ and wait for our program to terminate.  The more data we use the longer this will take; if we’re running 20,000 trials over January 1st, 2007 through December 31st, 2012 and showing a plot then right now would be a perfect time to break for dinner.

Further functionality of buySignal and sellSignal

So far we only have three built-in functions: sMA, histHigh, and histLow.  As we’ve said before we plan on building more but currently have other projects we’re working on.  Given the input of buySignal and sellSignal we can easily build our own.  If, for example, we wanted to calculate the 10 day average volume we would do the following:

def buySignal(histData):

    averageVolume = 0
    for i in range (1, 11):
        averageVolume = averageVolume + histData[i][‘Volume’]

   averageVolume = averageVolume / 10

Of course we can get more complicated but we’ll leave that for another discussion.

Closing Remarks

It's absolutely, positively, incomprehensibly important to understand how we collect data and how we back test our strategies.  We are working with data from Yahoo Finance and are making intraday trades based off highs, lows, and opens; because of this theBackTest is not like other testing platforms available.  We do not have one specific outcome, instead we have a population of 10,000 (numTrials) random outcomes.

It is completely unnecessary to modify anything under the ‘BEGINNING OF PROGRAM’ comment; but we always could if we wanted to.  

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